Friday, October 27, 2006Head Over Heels In Love W You
met him at 10+am &reached home at ard 12am
i love hubby!! ehees
woosh! found unopened cny red packets while kping something last night
tsk, lazy jasmine..
tourism only :/
i wanna finish manufacturing ltr
shit.i just realised that the first paper on the 6th isn't eng!
omg! -faints
smell of textbooks makes frown&puke
smell of burning textbooks makes HIGH
i wanna go pompom& study alr.
noo, wait.should i pompom?
hmmmm, hubby's smell XD
Wednesday, October 25, 2006when the siren ends
my hair is in a big mess nowwww!! D;<
so i just had 5sushis for lunch
it's a damn effective way for dieting
'cos i know i can't skip dinner tonight
mummy's cooking today!!big boooo
'cos she'll scoop lots for me!! )):
sometimes dogs are just so pitiful
the one i saw just now in pet safari was shaking&shaking non-stop
so poor thing )':
they're such cute little things(daddy's one exceptional)
i wanna study now
so byebye!
hubby pls takecare okok?
Until death do us part
Tuesday, October 24, 2006green light
like, FINALLY!!
always having difficulties finding old pictures
so now, yay!!
-stares out the window& laugh
there's this row of guys standing in a straight line there now
bright pink, bright yellow, bright green, white, orange, light blue
goshh!so colourful lahh!lolol.
now my com's black&hot pink!!
prettyyyy [:
i'm sick of it being full pink, changechangechange!
&my desktop is free of desktop icons!woots!
i find desktop icons so extra there
desktop background[:
i was clearing my com table when i found that sheet of tic-tac-toe
so yahh, haha!it's kinda extra theree, i know.but falalala!
rarr, honey drinks are yummy
but overdosage of honeydrinks are sickening
'cos those honey that daddy bought are toooo sweeettt
mummy just bloodyhell threw a HOT passport on my legs!!
dunno wtf did daddy do to it&it got all wet
&mummy went to iron it&threw it on my legs
&she was laughing her ass off
updated nagivation bar.
new animations :DD
will you catch me if i fall?
Monday, October 23, 2006i wanna love you forever
i studied quite alot today
&i feel quite accomplished! [:
went out to get my dinner alone
just b'cos i felt like eating sushi
&haha, i diao-ed quite alot of people today
because they were staring
i don't know whyy but i wasnt in a good mood
i want thursady to arrive now
i wanna meet hubby now!!
'Cause from the moment that I saw your face
and felt the fire in your sweet embrace
I swear I knew.
I'm gonna to love you forever.
Sunday, October 22, 2006new skin
i'm bored of my old one
i'll do a nicer one after o's
i spent less than a hour doing this,
that's why it's so yuckyuck.
i don't snore when i sleep!!
that's what hubby says
i do snore?!? boooo
&some smelly duck said that he knows i snore!!
&he calls me a pig(!?!)
kkk, i'm feeling sad now
sighh..i want hubby )':
i'll write both our names into the wet concrete <3
rahhhhh!she totally spoiled my studying mood
i shall take this opportunity to blog when she's out!
i was happily studying in my room w my music on
she came me&threw all my teddies on the floor
including my big shortcake&big bear
(luckily baby shortcake was on the table w my books)
then she scolded me for listening to music
wahpiangs, that's my way of studying whatt!!
then she scolded me for having high stacked up pile of papers&books
like hellooo?it's studying period!!!it's suppose to be like that?
i wanna screammmmm!!!
then she kukuhell go take tha yellow recycling bag to throw all my small teddies inside
&took all of them w my 2big teddies&threw them into the store!!
ouch!poor things..
then she blahblahblah& went out.crazy you know!!!!!!
so now she's out&i just rescued my teddies
&&&luckily she didnt have another hand to carry poohpooh w her!
goshh.can't stand her
anw girls,
pls keep a lookout on this email:
he's totally a prevertic crazy kukuassholeshitrubbish sgahhsja guy
haha, so last night geweixun smsed me like after 123485364years we last contacted
he's still as crazy as last time lah
i'm really happy that i'm still in contact w quite alot of my pri sch friends
ehees.dunno lah, it's just a happy thing what right?
so i think i'll be meeting him to study sometime after next week [: